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First off, this is all based on information recieved from the internet, read in articles (on the internet), and viewed in screenshots. The game hasn't even been released and I'm not going to bother playing it anyway, since I'm biased towards sh3/1/2/4 (in that order) and not just uninterested entirely. That said, here is the overcritical fanboy analysis.

Why the game sucks:

-It's largely based on sh2, the most popular game in the series. If you know anything about anything, the more popular something is, the more it sucks. It's simple economics: whatever appeals to the most people sells the most, most people are stupid, and when trying to get mass appeal you have to omit things that people won't get, so you're left with something incomplete and generic that "nobody" can disagree with (and that sells).

-It's made by American sh2 fanboys

-More action-oriented. Well, I always wanted to play Biohazard instead of a horror game, because action games are scarier. Things you can understand are more frightening because you know what's going on and what will happen next at all times. And having more action wouldn't just distract one from the macabre and make it easier for pansies to play.

-Poser Halo of the Sun: Hmmm, let's take those 3 circles, and make it look more simple, kind of like crosshairs. The symbol is probably meaningless, unlike the one it ripped off. The three smaller circles in the Halo of the Sun are supposed to represent the past, present, and future, and the larger circle suggests the circular passage of time (or the cycle of rebirth). The largest circle represents Charity. How does this relate to sh5? It doesn't, unless Alex is pregnant with God and keeps getting killed and resurrected and the Smile Society have anything to do with the game and the name of the game is Silent Hill 3.


-Transitions from "reality" to "otherworld": Did you love the movie? So did I, and it's a great idea to take a director's cinematic interpretation of the game and reuse it for a video game. It's one thing that the previous creators were inspired from David Lynch's films (subways & fast moving heads on still bodies), and quite another to balls-out duplicate something somebody else did from earlier in the series, and not even from a game in the series, to boot.


-"living walls": Sh3 had walls that turned all fleshy (and bleeding walls), and it wasn't original then. Splatterhouse 3 is the earliest I've seen that in a video game, and knowing those guys it was in the previous ones and taken from some horror movie. I would include some sh3 and splatterhouse images, or even research the first living wall in horror, but I'm too lazy, so just look at sh5's vagina wall.
