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Not everything sucks. In fact, some stuff is cool.

What they did right:

-Apparently monsters are supposed to be more aggressive and stalk you throughout the game (none of that "Well I'l just leave the room" jazz).
Also, they are supposed to be able to hear your movements (which I always thought was present in previous games but maybe that was a dream), so if you bumped into a table they'd hear it and waste you.

-The Schism is supposed to be extremely fast and powerful, which is sort of new. Most of the strong enemies in the series were slow, and the weak ones fast. It would be interesting to see more brutally difficult enemies.

-The Schism looks cool. Abstract yeah, but if you pretend it's not supposed to be in the style of Masahiro Ito (and Masashi Tsuboyama, who did 4), you can actually appreciate how neat it is.

-Akira Yamaoka

-Steel pipe

-Chest-mounted flashlight

-I have not been informed there is no chainsaw

And yes, I know that some other company made SH0 (I'm not a Konami fanboy). I only played it for about 20 minutes, and it wasn't bad enough to warrant making an entire page about how much it sucks. I liked the sledge, but I didn't like the trucker protagonist, the "you can pass between worlds when'er you choose" (it shouldn't be your choice), or the breaking weapons.